Job Etiquette: Temp to Perm As An Employment Option

What is a Temp to Perm Job?

Sometimes an employer is looking for an applicant to fill a temporary need in the organization. It could be a “long term temp” (usually more than 3 months) or “short term” (up to a month). An employer may post this position or sometimes an employer may use an external resource such as a staffing agency specializing in temporary assignments.  If the employer posts directly, you are paid as part of the company payroll. If  an agency or staffing firm is utilized, the employer is charged a fee which includes services by the agency and salary for you; in other words, you are paid by the agency, not the employer. You submit an hourly time sheet as a record for your salary. Sometimes it starts as a temporary position which may lead to full time employment.

Why should you consider this type of employment?

  • It is a job
  • You will receive a paycheck
  • It is experience to record on your resume
  • You may learn new skills
  • You learn about the particular company and company culture
  • You have a chance to showcase your expertise and hard work to a potential employer
  • You make many new connections

Will you get a permanent job?

When you take a Temporary or Temp to Perm position there is always a chance it can become a full time job in the future. There is also the chance that a new position opens up and since you are there, you can apply. Your hard work and contributions make cause the employer to realize this should be full time or during budgeting season it may turn up as a budgeted open position. If  the job search is tough, this is a great way to gain experience and possibly a job. Others in the organization might also help you with your search.

If you are working through a staffing agency and do well, they will use you again for another position. These agencies receive various requests and like to build a solid reputation with hardworking and reliable temporary employees. The next assignment may turn into a job, so don’t be anxious to try this out. It may just get you that job! You might also find that you like the variety so that you can find an environment and job that you enjoy. Always look at options!

Good luck!

Talk soon.